Sunday, December 23, 2012

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So Aoxue put help in all affairs to the Joe Smith and others, left looked at each other and then he finally said something: Joe Smith et al, with Jenny strutted away.
Joe Smith et al looked at each other, could not help hearts at the same time thought: own cultivation, Master, Free coolies! Not to mention Joe Smith et al, where busy, Aoxue Jenny at this time is to return to the inn, the Aoxue Jenny sitting on the window, leisurely playing with his bamboo flute, this time first hear Aoxue study on three will have a different feeling, but every time I heard.
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Lin Hua Xie Chunhong, too hastily, helpless move to Hanyu night to the wind, dash it mildly, just like a lover whispering thin, may also wish to thin recalled that a lake seems to months, which re-group Mountain Pinnacle, was blowing juvenile restless heart, leaving a wisp of fluttering hair.
When made such a bamboo flute that is entrusted with the thoughts of losing it, often at night, will think of those familiar faces, kind of a strange feeling slowly faded along with the space-time day, then miss it?
Strange time and space, strange faces, also mocked the helpless, playing with this bamboo flute, my heart is a solitary month, he was lonely
Study on three suddenly snapped, took a deep breath, let Aoxue efforts mood calmed down.
Low study on three slowly seems open canyon sounded melancholy tone, circulation in the heart of the two, if Rose bloody petals gradually withered in the wind, and deposited in humus land long fermentation into pathetic sadness filled the quiet silence of the void missing is a cup of bitter, do not know when, Aoxue

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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

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Cliff top.
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Of course, to make the bone dragon virtual stand as the air like a love affair, it was impossible.
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Master and servant boarded a mountain every time, can be distant saw the the huge abyss Dragon matchless hovering in the distant horizon. Since after World War I and Temptress Moon, Dragon of the abyss never want to leave the other kings far This is not because its strength is not as good as the love affair, but dare not call all the power for a long time because it scruples with the day sector Xunshou by, it is somewhat comforting love affair seems to have the same scruples.
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Monday, October 22, 2012

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Silence, only clever talent such as deadwood Bodman and Senda Alex. Know, just clash a move that it was not on the surface appear to be equally shared between the outcome, but Tom had come to prevail in a very slight advantage. The reason is that, quintana by the outer iron meteorite build rely on the advantage of weapons to win the upper hand, after years of hard practice, plus usually total hole dragon, Dragon's Breath, Beirut has Chong many sibling super master unreserved mutual consultations and learning, he The real strength has long since reached when the Germanic several times, so even run into solitary so from this veteran gold

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

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Love you dad: Palace Haoyu
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Friday, June 1, 2012

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Solemn to see the thoughts of the men grunted and said: Yes, I remember. Solemn with a wry smile and shook his head, exclaimed: The out Spring teahouse, Lin Feng readily move into a taxi, the first to drill into. See Lin Feng do not greet their own, Chen Chen chuckled twice, followed by drilling into the.
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Lin Feng Zhou Rong suddenly remembered, seems a very long time made a phone call to her, Lin Feng heart filled with a burst of guilt, came to the capital, in addition to the dead of night, as if not thought about her a few times, Lin Feng do not think he is a heartless person, only more guilt in my heart.
See Lin Feng longer speak, and even closed her eyes leaning back, Chen Chen, a wry smile or two, he also knows that the sister with Lin Feng age gap, just that it is only casually said, such a good man after all, Lin Feng not much now, he is also in order to the life of sister

Sunday, May 27, 2012

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, We are the 21st century adults, such a small thing worthwhile tread nose on the face? Think I have to put on a fear and trepidation poor appearance but would like to normalized, with watery eyes sad to see her.
Is my ardent eyes stare horror, Shen Xiao soft actually turned to the side, my heart has been cursed that she was too slow, did not see my bright eyes sparkling eyes are on her ogle it, how to turn one side, I embarrassed followed her. In fact, in my mind has been a recognition occurs through intimate physical contact between men and women prone to the story, is probably the kind of subconscious trouble I just want to soak Shen Xiao soft right, but Shen Xiao soft as if never understanding of her I was simply a bad mood. Later, I found the original problem, look! right, look, I repeated the mirror at home that day languishing scene, be shocked. fortunately Shen Xiao Sophie did not use her makeup mirror to reflect my face, it appears that she is pretty good.
Taiwan to see the table, four fifty, the work time is coming. Get through another day, I can not help much comfortable tone. His grandmother, Shen Xiao soft it is too normal to work to know to start late, nor teach me every day, even one day even the whole, then do not leave me now suddenly nostalgic since she drilled my time, I not Piyang Fanjian! My Sassy Girl plans also do not promote it!
Owned by cranky cranky, we still work the first Shen Xiao soft today seem to have anything to say, few paused, too, unlike her man, is it that I put her to play stupid, but that day I am beaten! ignore her go first.
When passing through the flower shop, I hate teeth itch what is the language of flowers of red carnations, I wish the mother's health and longevity, I test the old fat woman fraudulently obtained life and generational drop generation, Zhibu Ding Shen Xiao soft that Xiao Nizi has recently been secretly music.
Phone rang, the look is actually Liu Ruoxi speaking, we have almost a month to get in touch, his mother still not in love, I Shen Xiao soft impression is much deeper than the Liu Ruoxi, to be honest I almost forgot what he looks like Liu Ruoxi long. But think about it too, she can never promised me anything, I sided affair is a hot but now only the beginning of ah, not to the wages of the ...
know the university I read it in Nanjing University, graduated on rejuvenation and studied the work of the same period, only Liu Ruoxi the spring and south in my university there is something there for her, so that two years is to spend the effort chase of, however the money I'd spent a lot of her life and death stunned did not promise, and now my heart is light, but to save face I was full of disinformation,NY Yankees Jerseys, and made my own thought I was really in love with her I do not know that she is not think so.
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